
Book recommendation​ – The Why Cafe

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The Why Cafe – The inspirational bestseller by John Strelecky

The book is a really short one, I only found it in the bookshop because it was recommended by the staff and because there was a red «Spiegel Bestseller» sticker on the cover.
The backside of the book tells us that the book was translated into many languages and that it was on the top of the bestseller lists.

«Let’s have a look inside» – I thought and dove into the book. The book illustrations were coloured, a little bit mystical, very simply designed drawings and paintings.
The beauty of the simplicity of the illustrations and the recommendations pretty much convinced me to buy the book for myself. So, I read it in my lunchtime and was touched by the message of this tale.

The beginning the story and the situation is absurd. After a traffic jam, the driver decided to find a better route, so he left the motorway and followed his instinct. After a few hours the driver got lost, he was running out of gas and he started getting nervous, frustrated and tired.
Not one gas station, not another car anywhere, only the strange route and him, alone. After a while, he saw a dim light and found a cafe. The cafe which changed his attitude of mind. Actually, not the cafe but the people in the cafe. How? With questions and answers.

The questions are:
Nr. 1: Why are you here?
Nr. 2: Do you fear death?
Nr. 3: Are you fulfilled?

Who is the man or woman who can provoke the guests with these questions? What was the reason for asking these questions?“ I asked myself while reading the story.
Through the stories of the people in the cafe and the discussions around the questions on the menu, the stranger comes to a new level of understanding about life.

I should not say more about the story because I hope, you will read it also.
As I was reading the story, I was thinking about my stage of life and my call of life. I really wished to find a cafe like this one in the book!
The book can be a very good starter for those people, who are looking for some inspiration for a life-changing decision.


Illustrations from Root Leeb

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